Welcome to MySSCOK!

This is your new homepage for SSC student information including degree progress, unofficial transcripts, schedules, financial aid information, and student account information.

Click on the links to the right to get started!



Spring 2025 Payment Plans, Past Due Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 Payment Plans Now Open!

Spring 2025 payment plans and Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 Past Due Payment Plans are now open! Get signed up today to get the best payment plan available. The sooner you sign up the smaller your payments will be. Click the link below for more information on Spring 2025 Payment Plans!

Past Due Payment Plans are open for four months and are a four-month payment plan no matter when you sign up.

** If you are a financial aid recipient, your aid may not be reflected in your payment plan. Your plan will auto adjust once your financial aid is applied. **

For any questions, please contact the Business Office @ 405-382-9238.


Spring 2025 Payment Plans


Oklahoma Tax Warrant Intercept Program Appeal Process

*Past due accounts with an unpaid balance of $50 and above from the previous year’s Fall Semester and the current year’s Spring and Summer semesters will be turned over to OTC Warrant to have their Oklahoma State Taxes garnished in a tax refund interception. Any accounts older than this will also be turned over for collection.

  • The student may file a written request to appeal tax interception for the collections of past due amounts per Title 68, Section 205.2 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
  • Requests for appeal must be in writing and emailed to BusinessOffice@sscok.edu within 60 days of the mailing date of the intercept notice sent to the student. Written appeals may be delivered to the U.S. Postal Service address. Failure to deliver a written appeal within 60 days waives the students’ opportunity to contest the claim for the tax refund.
  • Upon receipt of the request for appeal, the Student Accounts Specialist will contact the student via telephone to discuss the balance owed as well as the documentation on file to support the tax refund interception to contest the claim for the tax refund to pay the student’s debt.
  • If the Bursar cannot reach the student or if the student does not withdraw the appeal in writing after speaking with the Business Office, an online hearing date will be set within 60 days of the student’s written request with a three-member panel.
  • The Student Accounts Specialist will provide the student with a written notice of the appeal hearing date, time, and place at the student’s last known address on file. Students are responsible for updating all current address information.
  • The hearing notice shall further contain a short statement of the past due amounts owed and dates when the debts were incurred. Copies of SSC’s records in support of the debts shall be made available to the student upon request.
  • The hearing is for the sole purpose of determining the validity of the debt. Accordingly, supporting documentation and argument will be limited to this issue.
  • Not less than five business days before the hearing the student shall provide all reasons and supporting documentation before the appeal in writing to the Student Account Specialist at BusinessOffice@sscok.edu or delivered by the U.S. Postal Service at the address listed below. The hearing panel will not normally consider any untimely presented reasons or documentation unless such information could not have been reasonably known before the hearing or other extraordinary circumstances prevented timely submission.
  • At hearing, the panel will review the information submitted by the student supporting the students’ reasons and documentation on appeal concerning the validity of the debt. The panel will receive both the Student Account Specialist’s and the student’s supporting evidence.
  • Within ten days after the closing of the hearing, the SSC hearing panel shall confer privately and issue a written decision determining whether the Business Office’s decision to collect the debt is valid.
  • The Student Account Specialist shall receive the decision and send a copy within one business day to the student by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the student’s last known address of record.


*Concurrent accounts will be exempt from the late fee and collections process.

**The official Academic Calendar can be found at: SSC Homepage>MySSC>Semester Schedules>Academic Calendar.

Unofficial 2024 1098T Available

Unofficial 2024 1098T Available for Viewing

  • Official 1098Ts will be mailed by January 31, 2024
  • Unofficial 2024 1098Ts can be viewed and printed in your student portal by following the instructions linked below

Student Payment Portal Instructions

Past 1098T Information

Accessing 1098Ts from 2020, 2021, and 2022

Seminole State College 2020, 2021, and 2022 1098T

Available on 1098TForms.com.


Please follow the links below for 1098 T information. 

The first link will take you to a 1098 website.

The second is to Instructions on how to retrieve your information from the site.

Please note the links will open in a new window.

If you have any question please contact the Business Office at (405) 382-9238 or by email businessoffice@sscok.edu


What information will be provided on my 1098-T?

The amount paid up to the tuition and qualified fees amount is reported in Box 1 for the tax year. The Box 1 amount paid includes personal payments. Scholarships, including those sent from third-parties, and grants administered by the College are reported in Box 5.


Where is the total for my tuition and fees coming from in Box 1?

In previous years, your 1098-T included an amount in Box 2 represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your bursar account for the calendar (tax) year. Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, we will report in Box 1 the amount of QTRE you paid during the year. Consult your accountant, tax preparer, or the Internal Revenue Service (http://www.irs.gov/) for more information.


What is included in Box 2?

 Box 2 is left blank because by federal regulations we are no longer allowed to report qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your bursar account for the calendar (tax) year.


What is included in Box 5 Scholarships or Grants of the 1098-T?

The total amount of any scholarships or grants administered and processed by Seminole State College during the calendar year for the payment of the student’s cost of attendance (which includes non-qualified expenses such as books, room and board). Scholarships and grants include payments received from 3rd parties (excluding family members and loan proceeds). This includes payments received from governmental and private entities such as the Department of Defense, civic, and religious organizations, and nonprofit entities. This includes payments received from governmental and private entities such as the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, civic, and religious organizations, and nonprofit entities. Tuition/Fee waivers are reported in Box 2 as a reduction to tuition and fees.



1098-T Student Enrollment & Download Instructions.pdf

You are not authorized to use this portlet; It is only available to users in certain roles within the portal.
You are not authorized to use this portlet; It is only available to users in certain roles within the portal.
You are not authorized to use this portlet; It is only available to users in certain roles within the portal.

SSC Student Handbook

Title Description

Financial Aid Application

Title Description

GI Bill

Title Description

Study in the States